Validex Global Investing
Investing at the Edge of Inflection For investors who seek long-term growth in private and public companies.

Industrial Real Estate Outlook: A Potential Turning Point for Investors

Want Better Access to Private Markets? Platform Technology holds the Key.

Hey, that's my job!

The Big Head Fake?

Where's My Moat?

Expanding Cracks in the Ice

Ice Melts from the Edges


Contrarian Comfort at the Milken Institute

Dividends Without Growth are a Roller-Coaster of Empty Promises

Risk, Volatility and Diversification

Are we looking at a market top for equities? What's your plan?

Are CLOs Right for Your Portfolio?

Captive Data Sets: The Global Economy's “New Oil”

Green Shoots in Industrial Real Estate

Big Tech's Energy Needs vs Climate Agenda

Our Take on the Latest ESG Controversy

How Will Mexico Play its Economic Winning Hand?

Snowballs and the Chinese Market Meltdown

Say Goodbye to Pricing Power and Hello Purchasing Power

The Walgreens’ Debacle: Dog Catches Car

Vertical Operating Systems: The Ultimate Point of Growth Inflection in 2024